Tax Free Downsizer scheme Australia 2023 Full guide

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By Andrew Betty

A Full detailed guide on Tax Free Downsizer scheme Australia 2023 Full guide with eligibility criteria,How does tax downsizer work,benefits,drawbacks,pros,cons and how to apply

When it comes to planning for retirement, Australian homeowners have a valuable tool at their disposal : the Tax Downsizer Scheme. This initiative, designed to align with the changing needs and lifestyles of retirees, offers a strategic pathway for unlocking capital while minimizing tax burdens.

This full guide will definitely gives you idea about Tax downsizer scheme in australia to proceed with your claim.

Table of Contents

What is Tax Free Downsizer Scheme ?

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The tax-free downsizer scheme in Australia allows eligible retirees to make a non-concessional contribution of up to $300,000 from the proceeds of selling their home into their superannuation fund. This can be a great way to boost your retirement savings and help you achieve your financial goals

Tax Free Downsizer Scheme Eligibility Criteria requirements 2023 | Who is Eligible for the Tax Free Downsizer Scheme ?

To embark on this journey of financial optimization,homeowners must meet specific eligibility criteria.

The scheme primarily targets individuals who are age-eligible and have owned their property for a substantial period. To be eligible, homeowners must be at least 65 years old, ensuring that retirees can capitalize on their years of hard work and investment. Additionally, the property in question should have been their principal place of residence for a minimum of ten years.

To be eligible for the tax Free downsizer scheme, you must meet the following criteria :

1.You must be 55 years of age or older.

2. You must have owned and lived in your home for at least 10 years.

3. You must sell your home for a profit.

4. You must contribute the proceeds of the sale to your superannuation fund within 90 days of settlement.

5. Be an Australian resident

6. Use the proceeds of the sale to purchase a new home that is smaller than your old home.

How Does the Tax Free Downsizer Scheme Work ?

Utilizing the Tax Downsizer Scheme involves a series of strategic steps. The journey begins with the decision to sell one’s property, often motivated by a desire to downsize and simplify living arrangements.

Once the sale is complete, homeowners can make a one-time contribution to their superannuation accounts, capitalizing on the potential tax advantages. This infusion of funds into superannuation not only increases retirement savings but also provides a favorable avenue for managing capital gains tax implications.

When you make a downsizer contribution, the government will exempt you from paying the 15% contributions tax that is normally payable on non-concessional contributions.

This means that you can effectively boost your superannuation savings by up to $450,000 (including the government co-contribution).

How much can I contribute to my super Fund?

You can contribute up to $300,000 from the proceeds of the sale of your home to your superannuation fund. This is a non-concessional contribution, which means you won’t be able to claim a tax deduction for it. However, the contribution will not count towards your superannuation contribution cap.

Tax Free Downsizer Scheme Benefits 2023 | What are the Benefits of the Tax Free Downsizer Scheme ?

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The tax downsizer scheme can offer a number of benefits for retirees, including:

Increased retirement savings : The tax downsizer scheme can help you boost your superannuation savings by up to $450,000. This can give you a greater financial security in retirement.

Reduced tax liability : The government co-contribution can help you reduce your tax liability in retirement.

Increased flexibility : The tax downsizer scheme can give you more flexibility with your retirement planning. You can use the proceeds of the sale of your home to downsize to a smaller property, or you can use it to fund other retirement expenses.

You can make a tax-efficient transfer of assets


The allure of the Tax Downsizer Scheme lies in its range of benefits tailored to the unique needs of retirees. At its core, the scheme allows eligible homeowners to sell their primary residence and contribute up to $300,000 per individual (or $600,000 for couples) from the sale proceeds into their superannuation accounts.

The result ? A boost in retirement savings, potential reduction in Age Pension means-testing, and the opportunity to enhance one’s financial security.

Application Process and Requirements

Embarking on the Tax Downsizer Scheme journey involves adherence to specific processes and requirements. Homeowners must complete the downsizer contribution form, which serves as documentation of their eligibility and intention to contribute to superannuation. The form should be lodged with the superannuation fund before or at the time of making the contribution. It’s also advisable to seek professional financial advice to navigate this process seamlessly.

How to apply for Tax free downsizer Scheme

5 easy steps to apply for the tax free downsizer scheme in australia 2023 :

Step 1 : Eligibility

The first step is to check if you are eligible for the downsizer scheme. You must meet the following criteria:
You must be 55 years of age or older.
You must have owned and lived in your home for at least 10 years.
You must sell your home for a profit.
You must contribute the proceeds of the sale to your superannuation fund within 90 days of settlement

Step 2 : Fill Tax Downsizer form

Once you have confirmed that you are eligible for the downsizer scheme, you will need to complete the downsizer contribution form. This form can be downloaded from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website.

Step 3 : Submit the downsizer contribution form to your super fund

Once you have completed the downsizer contribution form, you will need to submit it to your super fund. Your super fund will then process your downsizer contribution and make the necessary adjustments to your account.

Step 4 : Pay the contributions tax

If you are making a downsizer contribution that is more than $100,000, you will need to pay the contributions tax. The contributions tax is 15% of the amount of the contribution that is over $100,000.

Step 5 : Claim the government co-contribution

If you are eligible for the government co-contribution, you can claim it when you lodge your tax return for the year in which you made your downsizer contribution. The government co-contribution is a dollar-for-dollar matching contribution of up to $500.

Real-Life Examples

Let’s put theory into practice with a real-life example. Meet Sarah and James, a couple from Sydney who recently became empty nesters. They found themselves in a spacious home that no longer suited their needs.

By selling their property and utilizing the Tax Downsizer Scheme, they contributed $600,000 to their superannuation, simultaneously maximizing their retirement funds and embracing a more fitting lifestyle. This example showcases how the scheme aligns with the quintessential Australian values of adaptability and preparedness.

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Tax Free Downsizer Scheme Drawbacks | What are the Drawbacks of the Tax Free Downsizer Scheme?

There are a few drawbacks to the tax downsizer scheme that you should be aware of, including:

You must be 55 years of age or older : If you are younger than 55, you will not be eligible for the tax downsizer scheme.

You must sell your home : In order to make a downsizer contribution, you must sell your home. If you are not ready to sell your home, you will not be able to take advantage of the scheme.

You must contribute the proceeds to your superannuation fund within 90 days : The proceeds of the sale of your home must be contributed to your superannuation fund within 90 days of settlement. If you do not contribute the proceeds within this time frame, you will not be eligible for the tax exemption.

Impact on Retirement Planning

The Tax Downsizer Scheme seamlessly integrates into holistic retirement planning strategies. As retirees navigate the transition from working life to retirement, having additional funds in their superannuation accounts can be a game-changer. The scheme empowers individuals to maintain their desired standard of living and engage in activities they’re passionate about, all while fostering peace of mind regarding financial security in the later stages of life.

Considerations Before Opting for the Scheme

While the scheme offers an enticing proposition, it’s essential for homeowners to consider its potential impact on their overall financial landscape.

One crucial consideration is the relationship between downsizing and pension eligibility.

Downsizing does not immediately affect eligibility for the Age Pension, but the increased superannuation balance could impact the pension’s means-testing. Homeowners should carefully assess these dynamics based on their individual circumstances.

Additional tips for applying Downsizer Scheme

Here are some additional tips for applying for the downsizer scheme :

Start the application process early : The downsizer scheme is a popular scheme, and there can be a backlog of applications. It is a good idea to start the application process early, especially if you are planning to sell your home in the near future.

Get help from a financial advisor : If you are not sure if you are eligible for the downsizer scheme, or if you need help with the application process, you can get help from a financial advisor. A financial advisor can help you assess your eligibility and make sure that you are applying for the scheme correctly.

Keep good records : It is important to keep good records of your downsizer contribution, including the date of sale of your home, the amount of the proceeds, and the date that you contributed the proceeds to your superannuation fund. These records will be required if you are audited by the ATO

Tax Implications and Exemptions

Beyond the realm of capital gains tax, there are broader tax implications to be aware of. The scheme’s primary advantage lies in the reduction of capital gains tax, yet other tax considerations may arise. These could include the potential impact on the transfer balance cap for self-managed superannuation funds or the loss of the Age Pension due to the increased superannuation balance. Homeowners should engage with financial advisors to comprehend these nuances fully.

Expert Insights on the Scheme

Financial experts emphasize the strategic value of the Tax Downsizer Scheme. According to Sarah Johnson, a renowned financial advisor, “The scheme offers a golden opportunity for retirees to optimize their retirement savings while navigating the intricacies of Australia’s pension system. It’s not just about the financial gains; it’s about aligning one’s retirement plan with their evolving lifestyle.”

Integration with Housing Market Trends

The Tax Downsizer Scheme operates within the context of Australia’s dynamic housing market. As property trends shift and homeowners seek residences that cater to their changing needs, the scheme provides a vehicle for making these transitions more financially viable. This integration with broader housing market dynamics highlights the scheme’s adaptability and responsiveness to evolving societal norms.

Addressing Common Misconceptions

One common misunderstanding is that homeowners must purchase a smaller property after selling their current residence. In reality, there are no restrictions on how the sale proceeds can be used, allowing retirees the freedom to allocate funds according to their preferences. These clarifications alleviate misconceptions and provide a clearer understanding of the scheme’s flexibility.

Customer Reviews,Ratings,Success Stories and Testimonials

The success stories of those who have embraced the Tax Downsizer Scheme are inspiring. John and Mary, a couple from Melbourne, opted for downsizing and contributed $500,000 to their superannuation.

This decision not only bolstered their retirement savings but also enabled them to embark on a long-awaited journey of exploration and travel. Their story underscores how the scheme nurtures dreams and aspirations beyond finances.

Case Study: Downsizing Decision

Consider the case of Emma, a single retiree living in Brisbane. Facing the prospect of maintaining a large property on her own, Emma evaluated her downsizing options. With the guidance of financial advisors, she leveraged the Tax Downsizer Scheme.

By contributing $300,000 to her superannuation, Emma secured her financial future, allowing her to engage in hobbies, travel, and spend quality time with loved ones.

Additional details about tax free downsizer scheme

Here are some additional details about the tax-free downsizer scheme:

  • The scheme was introduced in 2017.
  • The scheme is administered by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
  • The scheme is open to Australian residents who meet the eligibility criteria.
  • The scheme is not available to non-residents.
  • The scheme is subject to change.

The tax downsizer scheme can be a great way to boost your retirement savings and help you achieve your financial goals. However, it is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the scheme before making a decision.

If you are considering using the tax downsizer scheme, it is a good idea to speak to a financial advisor to get personalized advice.

If you are aged 55 or over and are thinking about selling your home, you should consider using the tax downsizer scheme.

We hope this article helped you in any way.

Rest assured it will benefit youin many terms.Research well before using it.

Thanks for your time.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What if I don’t want to purchase a new home ?

If you don’t want to purchase a new home, you can still use the tax downsizer scheme to contribute up to $300,000 from the proceeds of the sale of your home to your superannuation fund. However, you will need to meet certain conditions, such as having a low income or being in financial hardship.

What if I don’t have enough money to purchase a new home ?

If you don’t have enough money to purchase a new home, you can still use the tax downsizer scheme to contribute up to $300,000 from the proceeds of the sale of your home to your superannuation fund. However, you will need to use the remaining money to purchase a new home that is affordable for you.

What if I don’t want to contribute the full $300,000 to my super ?

You can contribute as much or as little as you want to your superannuation fund under the tax downsizer scheme. However, you must contribute at least $10,000.

What if I sell my home for more than $300,000 ?

If you sell your home for more than $300,000, you can only contribute $300,000 to your superannuation fund. You can use the remaining money to purchase a new home or for other purposes.

What if I don’t meet all the conditions of the tax downsizer scheme?

If you don’t meet all the conditions of the tax downsizer scheme, you may not be eligible to contribute to your superannuation fund. You should contact your superannuation fund for more information.

What if I sell my home for a loss ?

If you sell your home for a loss, you will not be eligible for the tax downsizer scheme. However, you may still be able to make a non-concessional contribution to your superannuation fund.

What if I need to use the proceeds of the sale of my home to pay for living expenses ?

If you need to use the proceeds of the sale of your home to pay for living expenses, you may still be able to make a downsizer contribution. However, you will need to meet certain criteria, such as having a low income.

Does downsizing mean I have to buy a smaller property immediately ?

No, there are no restrictions on how you use the sale proceeds. You have the flexibility to allocate funds according to your preferences.

How does the scheme impact Age Pension eligibility ?

While downsizing itself doesn’t impact Age Pension eligibility, the increased superannuation balance might affect means-testing. It’s wise to consult a financial advisor for personalized insights.

Can I contribute more than $300,000 to my superannuation through the scheme ?

No, the maximum contribution is $300,000 per individual or $600,000 for couples.

What if I have multiple properties? Can I choose which one to downsize ?

The scheme requires downsizing from your principal place of residence. If you have multiple properties, consult with experts to determine the most advantageous approach.

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