15 Reasons Australians should not Mix Investing with Insurance

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By Savvy Ng

A detailed Guide on Why You Should Not Mix Investing with Insurance in Australia & 15 Important Reasons to Consider

In the realm of personal finance, it’s crucial to distinguish between insurance and investing. Insurance is designed to protect against unforeseen events, while investing focuses on building wealth over time. Mixing the two can lead to potential pitfalls and compromise the effectiveness of each strategy.

Insurance and Its Purpose

Insurance serves as a safety net, providing financial protection against risks such as accidents, illnesses, or property damage. It offers peace of mind and ensures that you are not burdened with significant financial losses in the face of unexpected events.

Investing and Its Purpose

Investing involves allocating funds with the goal of generating returns and growing wealth over the long term. It involves various asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds, aiming to achieve capital appreciation or income generation.

After Understanding Investing & Insurance purposes in your life,we can actually explore the actual reasons why mixing is not a great idea .

Insurance products Problems | Problems Faced by Aussie’s

Insurance products are not regulated like investments

Insurance products are not regulated like investments. This means that there is less protection for consumers if something goes wrong. For example, if an insurance company goes bankrupt, you may not be able to get your money back.

Insurance products are not liquid

Insurance products are not liquid, which means that you may not be able to access your money when you need it. For example, if you need to make a large purchase or if you lose your job, you may not be able to access the money in your insurance policy.

Insurance products do not offer tax benefits. 

Investments can offer tax benefits, such as capital gains tax discounts and dividend imputation credits. Insurance products do not offer these tax benefits in bigger way ,to some extent with exemption categories it’s possible but at the time of policy claim ,there will be tax imposed.

Insurance products are not suitable for everyone

 Insurance products are not suitable for everyone. If you are looking for a way to grow your wealth, an insurance product is not the best option. There are other investments that offer better returns and more flexibility.

Insurance salespeople are not qualified to give financial advice

 Insurance salespeople are not qualified to give financial advice. They are trained to sell insurance products, not to help you create a financial plan. If you are looking for financial advice, you should see a qualified financial advisor.

Mixing investing with insurance is a common mistake

 Many people make the mistake of mixing investing with insurance. This is a mistake because it can lead to confusion, high fees, and other problems. If you are looking for a way to protect your family, save for retirement, or protect your assets, there are better ways to do it than mixing investing with insurance.

15 Reasons You should not Mix Investing with Insurance in Australia

Lack of Focus

Mixing insurance and investing dilutes the focus of each strategy, making it difficult to optimize results.

Higher Expenses

Insurance policies often come with administrative fees and commissions, which can erode the overall investment returns.

Lower Returns

Insurance policies generally offer lower returns compared to dedicated investment vehicles, limiting the growth potential of your wealth.

Limited Investment Options

Insurance-linked investments often restrict your choices to a specific set of funds or portfolios, limiting your investment diversification.

Premature Withdrawal Penalties

Insurance policies may impose penalties or charges for early withdrawals, hindering liquidity when you need it.


Mixing insurance and investing adds complexity to your financial plan, making it harder to understand and manage effectively.

Opportunity Cost

By allocating funds to insurance-linked investments, you may miss out on higher-yielding investment opportunities elsewhere.

Mismatched Time Horizons

Insurance policies typically have longer time horizons, which may not align with your investment goals and timeframes.

Hidden Charges

Insurance products can have hidden charges, such as surrender fees or administrative costs, which can eat into your investment returns.

Limited Flexibility

Insurance policies often lack flexibility in terms of adjusting investment strategies or adapting to changing market conditions.

Lack of Transparency

Insurance-linked investments may have complex structures and hidden costs, making it difficult to fully understand their inner workings.

Lower Control

When investing through insurance policies, you have limited control over the investment decisions, as they are managed by the insurance provider.

Insurance Needs Overlooked

By focusing on investing within insurance policies, you may overlook critical insurance needs or underinsure yourself in certain areas.

Longer Lock-in Periods

Insurance policies typically have longer lock-in periods, restricting your ability to access funds when needed.

Less Customization

Insurance-linked investments often lack customization options, limiting your ability to tailor your investment strategy to your specific needs and risk tolerance.

What Can you do

Better ways to protect your family

 If you are looking for a way to protect your family financially, there are better ways to do it than mixing investing with insurance. For example, you can buy term life insurance, which is a type of insurance that only pays out if you die. Term life insurance is much cheaper than whole life insurance, and it offers the same level of protection.

Better ways to save for retirement

If you are looking for a way to save for retirement, there are better ways to do it than mixing investing with insurance. For example, you can invest in superannuation, which is a type of retirement savings account that offers tax benefits. Superannuation is a much better way to save for retirement than an insurance product.

Better ways to protect your assets

 If you are looking for a way to protect your assets from creditors, there are better ways to do it than mixing investing with insurance. For example, you can set up a trust, which is a legal entity that can own assets. A trust can protect your assets from creditors, and it can also offer other benefits, such as tax savings.

Better ways to get financial advice

 If you are looking for financial advice, there are better ways to get it than from an insurance salesperson. A financial advisor can help you create a financial plan that meets your individual needs. A financial advisor can also help you choose the right investments for your situation.

While insurance and investing are both essential components of a comprehensive financial plan, it is generally recommended to keep them separate. By understanding the distinct purposes of insurance and investing and considering the 15 points discussed, you can make more informed decisions and optimize your financial strategies accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I invest in insurance-linked investment products and still achieve my financial goals?

While it is possible to invest in insurance-linked products, it’s important to carefully evaluate the associated drawbacks, such as limited investment options, lower returns, and higher expenses. Exploring dedicated investment vehicles may offer more flexibility and better returns for achieving your financial goals.

Are there any scenarios where combining insurance and investing makes sense?

There may be specific cases where combining insurance and investing is appropriate, such as certain investment-linked insurance products that align with your long-term goals and risk tolerance. However, thorough research and professional advice are crucial to ensure it is suitable for your specific circumstances.

What are some alternative strategies to consider instead of mixing insurance and investing?

Instead of mixing insurance and investing, you can focus on building a solid insurance foundation to protect against risks and separately allocate funds to various investment vehicles based on your financial goals and risk tolerance. This approach allows for greater flexibility, transparency, and potential for higher investment returns.

Should I seek professional advice before making financial decisions related to insurance and investing?

Yes, consulting with a qualified financial advisor or planner is highly recommended when making decisions regarding insurance and investing. They can provide personalized guidance based on your individual circumstances, helping you develop a comprehensive financial plan that aligns with your goals and priorities.

How often should I review my insurance and investment strategies?

It’s important to regularly review your insurance coverage and investment portfolio to ensure they align with your changing needs, goals, and risk tolerance. As life circumstances evolve, periodic reassessment and adjustments can help you stay on track and optimize your financial strategies.

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